Macon County Conservation Foundation

The Macon County Conservation Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to preserving the natural and cultural resources of Macon County, Illinois.

We support the Macon County Conservation District’s natural area restoration efforts and educational programs.

When You Support Conservation, You:


Protect natural areas that improve the quality of the air you breathe and the water you drink.


Provide homes for plants and animals native to Macon County.

monarch butterfly on yellow flowers in a field


Leave a legacy of natural areas and historic sites for future generations.

When You Support Conservation, You:


Protect natural areas that improve the quality of the air you breathe and the water you drink.


Provide homes for plants and animals native to Macon County.


Leave a legacy of natural areas and historic sites for future generations.

Support Natural Areas and Wildlife During Our Three Annual Fundraisers

Macon County Conservation Foundation hosts the Prairie Pedal bicycling event in the fall and Rock Springs Ramble 5K/1 Mile Fun Run/Walk in the spring.

New! Join the Macon County Conservation Foundation at Wine in the Wild, where you can sip, savor, and support your local wildlife conservation like never before at our newly acquired and named, Woodbine Farm.

Rock Springs Ramble

Wine in the Wild

Prairie Pedal

Our Mission

To restore and preserve Macon County’s natural and cultural resources through the Macon County Conservation District, and promote education about these resources.